
Optical Scroll Wheel Mouse P/N: PX1191E-1NAC
A light, stylish and compact optical scroll wheel mouse that is perfect for daily use,
or when travelling. Ergonomically designed to t right and left hand.
Fully compliant with USB 2.0 and 1.1 speci cations
Easy set up, just plug and play.
Main Features
USB Optical Scroll Wheel Mouse
105 mm (W) x 60 mm (D) x 35 mm (H)
USB Optical Scroll Wheel Mouse P/N: PX1324E-1NAC
This high tech USB Optical Mouse uses advanced optical technology, is more accurate
and faster than other mice and will work on most surfaces.
Main Features
Bene ts: ergonomic design for comfortable use; fast and accurate; ts easily into
Notebook carry case; works with any Notebook with USB port.
Interface: USB 2.0
USB Voice-Over-IP Phone P/N: PX1214E-2UPH
Make free of charge Internet phone calls* from anywhere in the world. Using the most
popular VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) software, such as Skype, Yahoo Messenger,
and MSN Messenger**. It’s as easy to use as a mobile phone. With built-in speaker
and microphone, this USB powered phone features echo-cancellation for better sound
quality and an LCD to display caller ID, contact list and calling list.
Main Features
Built-in speaker and microphone; echo-cancellation for better sound quality;
USB-powered; LCD to display caller ID; contact list and calling list; 4 different
*Between VoIP Phone users **Can be downloaded from the Internet.