
9 - 29
Parameter Explanations (cont'd)
Item 312, INDUSTRIAL APPL: TEXTILES BLIND - Putting a "1" here adds
GROUP:INDUSTRIAL APPL - TEXTILES to the visible group list (accessed via the PRG button). This
group contains parameters from other groups which may be useful when programming the drive for a
textile application. The settings of these parameters are still set at factory default. Contact your Toshiba
distributor for the Industrial Application Manual for more information on the textile application group.
Item 313, INDUSTRIAL APPL: TOOLS BLIND - Putting a "1" here adds
GROUP:INDUSTRIAL APPL - MACHINE TOOLS to the visible group list (accessed via the PRG button).
This group contains parameters from other groups which may be useful when programming the drive for a
machine tool application. The settings of these parameters are still set at factory default. Contact your
Toshiba distributor for the Industrial Application Manual for more information on the machine tool applica-
tion group.
Item 314, AM/FM ADJUSTMENT PARAMS BLIND - This parameter must be set to "1" before any of the
parameters on page 8-27 can be read or changed. Putting a "1" here adds GROUP:AM/FM ADJUSTMENT
PARAMS to the visible group list (accessed via the PRG button).
Item 315, MOTOR PARAMETERS BLIND - This parameter must be set to "1" before any of the parameters
on page 8-31 can be read or changed. Putting a "1" here adds GROUP:MOTOR PARAMETERS to the visible
group list (accessed via the PRG button).
Item 316, NUMBER OF MOTOR POLES - Enter number of motor poles.
Item 317, MOTOR RATED CAPACITY - Enter motor KW. 1 HP = 0.746 KW.
Item 318, MOTOR TYPE - This parameter describes the motor as follows:
Toshiba/Houston EQP3 (premium efficiency)
Toshiba/Houston High Efficient (standard efficiency)
Non-Toshiba/Houston motor
Item 319, MOTOR RATED VOLTAGE - Enter motor nameplate voltage.
Item 320, MOTOR RATED FREQUENCY - Enter motor nameplate frequency.
Item 321, MOTOR RATED RPM - Enter motor nameplate full-load RPM.
Item 322, AUTO-TUNING ENABLE - To auto-tune a motor, enter a "1" here. When the next run is
initiated, the drive performs an autotuning which lasts a fraction of a second. Item 322 is then
reset to "0".
Item 323, LOAD MOMENT OF INERTIA - Estimate the load's inertia as folows:
3: Very large
In the event of an AUTO-TUNING ERROR, try a different inertia level.