3.26.3 Operation Examples
(1) Unsigned multiply-accumulate operation
The following shows a setting example for calculating “33333333 + 11111111 × 22222222”:
ld (MACCR), 0x08 ; Unsigned multiply-accumulate mode
Start calculation by write to MACMB.
ld xde, 0x00000000
ld xhl, 0x33333333
ld xix, 0x11111111
ld xiy, 0x22222222
ld (MACORL), xhl ; Write 33333333 to MACORL.
ld (MACORH), xde ; Clear MACORH.
ld (MACMA), xix ; Write 11111111 to MACMA.
ld (MACMB), xiy ; Write 22222222 to MACMB.
ld xhl, (MACORL) ; Read lower result 0x41FDB975.
bit 7, (MACCR) ; Check over-flow error
jp nz, ERROR ; Go to error routine, if there is over-flow error
ld xde, (MACORH) ; Read upper result 0x02468ACF.
(2) Signed multiply-subtract operation
The following shows a setting example for calculating “33333333 − 11111111 × −22222222”:
ld (MACCR), 0x25 ; Signed multiply-subtract mode
Start calculation by write of “1” to <MOPST>.
ld xde, 0x00000000
ld xhl, 0x33333333
ld xix, 0x11111111
ld xiy, 0xDDDDDDDE ;
ld (MACORL), xhl ; Write 33333333 to MACORL.
ld (MACORH), xde ; Clear MACORH.
ld (MACMA), xix ; Write 11111111 to MACMA.
ld (MACMB), xiy ; Write
−22222222 to MACMB.
set 5, (MACCR) ;
ld xhl, (MACORL) ; Read lower result 0x41FDB975.
bit 7, (MACCR) ; Check over-flow error
jp nz, ERROR ; Go to error routine, if there is over-flow error
ld xde, (MACORH) ; Read upper result 0x02468ACF.
(3) Unsigned multiply-accumulate operation (two multiply-accumulate operations)
The following shows a setting example for calculating “(33333333 + 11111111 × 22222222) +
(11111111 × 44444444)”:
ld (MACCR), 0x08 ; Unsigned multiply-accumulate mode
Start calculation by write to MACMB.
ld xde, 0x00000000
ld xhl, 0x33333333
ld xix, 0x11111111
ld xiy, 0x22222222
ld xiz, 0x44444444
ld (MACORL), xhl ; Write 33333333 to MACORL.
ld (MACORH), xde ; Clear MACORH.
ld (MACMA), xix ; Write 11111111 to MACMA.
ld (MACMB), xiy ; Write 22222222 to MACMB.
ld (MACMB), xiz ; Write 44444444 to MACMB.
ld xhl, (MACORL) ; Read lower result 0x5F92C5F9.
bit 7, (MACCR) ; Check over-flow error
jp nz, ERROR ; Go to error routine, if there is over-flow error
ld xde, (MACORH) ; Read upper result 0x06D3A06D.
Calculation start
Calculation start
Calculation start
Calculation start