
Using ConfigFree™ with your Toshiba Computer
ConfigFree Utilities
5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3
Status of wireless communication switch (on or off)
(Sample Image) Connectivity Doctor screen
Moving the mouse pointer over a wired or wireless network device
icon displays information about the device, such as its IP address,
subnet mask, and MAC address. A wireless network device also
shows information such as the network SSID and the device’s
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) key settings.
(Sample Image) Viewing device information
If a problem or potential problem is detected, in most cases, a
screen automatically displays showing you the possible cause and
solution for the problem.
A triangle containing an exclamation point also appears on the
Connectivity Doctor screen, and an orange frame describes the
relevant location. You can also view the possible cause and solution
for the problem by clicking the exclamation point. If multiple