Unified Messaging with IP Integration
Configure Windows for Stratagy ES Codec
Stratagy ES User Guide 01/03 119
Configure Windows
1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel >
Multimedia (shown right).
2. In the Recording section of the
Multimedia Properties window, click
Customize. The Sound Selection screen
displays (shown right).
Note In Windows 2000 you can access the
Sound Selection screen directly by
selecting Start > Programs >
Accessories > Entertainment >
Sound Recorder > File > Properties > Convert Now.
3. From the Sound Selection screen, select Toshiba ADPCM from the Format field’s
drop-down menu (this value is only present if the TAIS Audio Codec has been
properly installed).
4. From the Attributes field, select 8,000 KHz, 4 Bit, Mono from the drop-down