4. Parame ters
4.1. Communication parameters
Set up the inverter parameters as follows. To update, reset the power of inverter. If these
parameters are not set to correct value, t his unit can not work normally.
Title Function Description
cmod Command mode selection
0: T erminal board
1: Operation panel
2: Serial communication
Frequency setting mode
selection 1
1: VIA
2: VIB
3: Operation panel
4: Serial communication
5: UP/DOWN from external contact
f800 Communication rate Set ³1: 19200bps´ (default). 1 1
f801 Parity Set ³1:Even´ (default). 1 1
f803 Communication error trip t ime
Set communication time out period.
The way of stop is selected by f603.
0 ---
f829 Communication protocol Set ³4: BACnet protocol´ 04
Operation a t communication
error by disconnection
0: Inverter stop, communication command,
frequency mode open (by cmod,
1: None (continued operation)
2: Deceleration stop
3: Coast stop
4: Communication error (err5 trip)
or Network error (err8 trip)
0 ---
f890 Address Set node address 0 ---
f891 Network baud rate
0: AUTO adaptive
1: 9600
2: 19.2kbps
3: 38.4kbps
4: 76.8kbps
Over 5 is A UTO adaptive.
0 ---
f892 Network Time-Out
0: No action
Unit 0.1sec, Setting range : 1 to 65535
0 ---
f893 0 ---
Instance number Instance No.= f893 x 1000 + f894
0 ---
f895 MaxMaster
Setting range : 0 to 127
Over 127 is limited 127.
0 ---
f896 MaxInfoFrame
Setting range : 0 to 100
Over 100 is limited 100.
0 ---
Set up ³Communication error trip function (f803, see t he inverter instruction
manual for details)´ to stop the inverter when this option unit is deactivated by an
unusual event such as tripping, an operating error, power outage, failure, etc.
Deactivated option unit may cause an accident, i f the ³Communication error t rip
function´ is not properly s et up.