Toshiba Utilities
Setting user passwords
Setting user passwords
Setting a password leaves your computer secure so that nobody
can access your files. You must enter the password before you can
work on your computer.
Toshiba supports the several types of passwords on your
❖ An instant password — Secures your open programs and files
when leaving the computer temporarily
❖ A power-on password — Prevents unauthorized users from
starting or restarting the computer
❖ A hard disk drive password — Prevents access to the hard
disk even if it is removed and installed in another computer
❖ A supervisor password — Prohibits unauthorized users from
accessing certain functions such as Toshiba Hardware Setup.
This is useful if more than one person uses the computer
A single user password supports the instant and power-on
password functions.
Using an instant password
An instant password secures your system with a single keystroke.
Use this feature when you leave your desk for a few minutes and
don’t want to turn off the computer.
To use an instant password, press
Fn, then press F1. This freezes the
keyboard and AccuPoint II and blanks the screen. An instant
password has no effect on an optional serial mouse or trackball.
1 To unlock your system:
❖ If you have not registered a user password, press Enter.
❖ If you have registered a user password, press Enter. Type
your password then press