2 Scan to e-Filing
28 How to Perform Scan to e-Filing
If you select a user box that a password is set, the password entry
screen may be displayed. If the password entry screen is dis-
played, enter the password using the digital keys and press the
[ENTER] button.
y The list of the documents and folders for the selected box is displayed.
When you want to store the original(s) in an existing folder, select
the folder and press the [OPEN FOLDER] button to display the list
in the folder, and then press the [ENTER] button.
If you want to store the original(s) in the selected box, press the
[ENTER] button.
y The screen returns to the SCAN TO E-FILING screen.
Press the [DOCUMENT NAME] button if you want rename the docu-
ment name of the scanned data.
y The letter entry screen is displayed. Enter the value using the keyboard and digital
keys, and press the [ENTER] button to set the entry.