The Surveillix DVR is capable of recording up to four channels of audio.
• 8000 Hz playback in Live Mode
• Up to 48000 Hz playback in search mode
• Mono Sampling
DATA SIZE (Per channel)
• 1 Second: 1625 bytes
• 1 Minute: 97,500 bytes
• 10 Minute: 975,000 bytes
• 1 Hour: 5,850,000 bytes
• 1 Day: 140,400,000 bytes (Approx 140MB)
Click the Audio Capture Channel Boxes to enable recording and adjust the
Gain to the desired level.
Capture Select each channel to enable audio recording.
Gain Adjust the gain for individual audio channels.
Live Select each channel to enable for live audio selection.
Audio Live Select a live audio channel to hear. Only enabled channels
are available.
Volume Adjust the volume sliders for each live audio channel.
Enabling Audio Recording
1. Click the Audio button on the General setup display.
2. Select an audio channel under Capture.
3. Click OK.
Enabling Live Audio
1. Click the Audio button on the General setup display.
2. Select an audio channel under Live.
3. Click OK.
TIP: Select the audio channel you want to listen to by clicking the Audio Live button and selecting it in Audio Setup. Live audio
channels can also be selected from the Main Screen; only audio channels enabled under Live will be available.