Thank you for purchasing the 1500/1500 Plus Series UPS. This Series features the very
latest state of the art microprocessor technology and also uses IGBT transistors for fast, high
power and low noise PWM (pulse width modulation) switching. Also, the Plus Series features a
low impedance transformer to provide isolation even during bypass operation.
It is the intent of this manual to provide a guide for safely installing, operating, and maintaining
the UPS. This operation manual contains a section of general safety instructions and is marked
throughout with warning symbols. Read this operation manual thoroughly before installation
and operation of this electrical equipment.
All safety warnings must be followed to ensure personal safety.
Follow all precautions to attain proper equipment performance and longevity.
General safety instructions are found on page v and important safety
instructions are found on pages vi, vii, and viii. Read and save these instructions
for future reference.
The manual is divided into major sections of interest. Section 1 contains the product description
with the theory of operation and applications. All of the initial inspection, storage, installation,
operating, and prestart precautions can be found in Sections 2 and 3.
Section 4 contains the equipment standard specifications.
Section 5 outlines the operating modes, protective features, battery recharging, battery low
voltage tolerances, alarm and panel indicator functions.
Section 6 shows the control interface pin configurations.
Sections 7 and 8 are devoted to troubleshooting procedures, preventative maintenance
techniques and periodic parts replacement. A fuse rating chart is also shown.
Section 9 shows front, rear, and side panel layout views with dimensional data. Labels,
connector and switch placement, and shipping weights are also shown.
We hope that you find this operation manual informative and easy to use. If additional information
or technical assistance is needed, please call toll free (800) 231-1412 or write to: Toshiba
International Corporation, 13131 W. Little York Road, Houston, TX 77041-9990.
Again, thank you for the purchase of this product.
© Copyright 1994