
you get a nice even cut. You know, the
ground is not totally level out there, but
having this solid roller all the way across,
it’s a lot more uniform.”
Although it has a wide cutting ability,
the Groundsmaster 4500-D is remark-
ably versatile. It can zip through roughs
and then do great mowing on trim areas
as well.
“It gives you a large piece of equip-
ment that acts
like a small one,”
Connell adds. “It
cuts a large
swath, but in the
fashion and
closeness of a
smaller piece of
equipment. It
acts as a trim
mower; it does
both jobs at the
same time.”
“There’s nothing
like it in this size category,” explains Tim
Koch, Toro’s Marketing Manager of
Groundsmaster Products. “It has incredi-
ble power for a nine-foot machine, with
117 foot-pounds of torque
available. The hydraulic paral-
lel traction system gives
superb traction, and it’s truly
very strong. That means bet-
ter ability to maneuver on
“What this machine is
really about is undulating
terrain and superior cutting,”
Koch says. “It’s being able to
mow in rough areas with a
rotary product.
“These features all combine
to produce a fantastic quality
of cut,” he emphasizes.
Better for Everybody
In addition to its superior
quality of cut on undulating
ground, the Groundsmaster
4500-D is more enjoyable to
operate and maintain. Among
its popular features are easy
serviceability and accessibility:
the decks can be raised or
removed quickly, and in
almost no time, the exterior
enclosures can be pulled off without
tools, so technicians can get at everything
right away.
Even with all that horsepower and
torque, the engine speed on the
Groundsmaster 4500 is quite low—just
2600 rpm.
Combined with
a variable
clutch on the
fan, that means
much lower
sound levels.
“The engine
provides many
benefits in
addition to
more power
and torque, slowing
the engine down to 2600 rpm results in
a quieter operation,” Koch points out.
Other unique features include a large
operator platform and easy-to-reach deck
levers. There is even a cup holder and
extra space available for a water cooler
and other storage.
Just the Beginning
With shipments starting in early Spring
2002, the Groundsmaster 4500-D is sure
to be popular with any superintendent
who wants more power, more control and
a better cut on undulating terrain. But
that’s not all.
Also shipping in the Spring of 2002,
the even larger 4700-D features seven
free-floating cutting decks, which pro-
duce an amazing swath 12.5 feet (3.8
meters) wide! Designed for rough mow-
ing, it will be a real productivity booster.
And because it’s from Toro, you know
it’ll perform.
All things considered, Toro
Groundsmaster mowers are taking preci-
sion cutting to a whole new level… espe-
cially on ground that isn’t.
“I’m convinced it’s the best rotary
mower out there.”
– Bryan Miller
The Georgian Resort, Villa Rica, Georgia.
Jeff Connell (inset) is the golf course superintend-
ent at Columbia Country Club in Columbia,
South Carolina, a 27-hole private facility. The lay-
out of the course is particularly suited for the