
user guide Page 25
iGuideSMS Quick Guide:
iGuide provides a mechanism to allow timers to be set remotely via SMS text. This requires
that a mobile phone with an RS232 GSM modem interface be attached to the Toppy’s serial
port, and that the iGuideSMS companion TAP – bundled with iGuide – be running.
To install iGuideSMS simply place the TAP in the /ProgramFiles/Auto Start directory.
Pressing [RECALL] (or another, user-defined key) will bring up a configuration screen for
iGuideSMS where the options defined below can be set, and information about any attached
phone can be seen.
Configuring the Phone
To use iGuideSMS find an appropriate mobile phone with a GSM modem and an RS232 serial
cable interface: currently the Nokia 6310 and Siemens ME45 have been tested. Enable the
phone with an appropriate SIM card – a PAYG tariff supporting cheap text messaging is best.
Connect the phone to the serial port using the manufacturer’s approved RS232 cable. Ensure
that hardware flow control is disabled.
Enter the config screens and find the ‘iGuideSMS
option: this should tell you that a phone is attached.
Press [OK] to bring up a data screen concerning the
attached phone make, model, charge, baud and
master number.
Master Number
The setting of a Master number allows iGuideSMS to
inform the Toppy’s owner if a text has been received
from an unknown phone by sending appropriate information to the master number when such
a text is received.
To enable a master number, create an address book entry on the phone’s SIM card called
‘Master’, and assign this an appropriate phone number – for example, the number of the main
user’s mobile phone.
In the iGuideSMS configuration screen select the ‘CALL’ option and choose one of:
no-one’ (received texts are processed silently)
originator’ (responses to received texts are sent to the text’s originating phone)
master’ (responses are sent to the number created for ‘Master’ above)
originator and master’ (responses are sent to both originator and master)
Texting a Timer Request
Text messages sent to the connected phone need to include enough information for iGuide to
deduce the action to be taken. Include in the SMS message some or all of the following pieces
of information– it’s likely that the programme will be identifiable from only a subset of these
– separated by a period followed by a space (‘. ’).
Title: the name of the show, excluding punctuation.
Channel: the name of the channel, or a synonym for it as defined in the iguide.syn file.