5.5 Making timer events 43
To input a timerevent, select the
System Setting > VCR Timer
Setting menu; then the timer list
will be displayed.
To add a new timer event, press the
F1 button; then a box like
the above figure appears.
1. If you want a radio program, set the Type option to Ra-
dio; otherwise, set it to TV.
2. Set the Satellite option to the satellite which transmits
the service you want. Pressing the
OK button on this
option displays a satellite list, from which you can select
your desired satellite.
3. Set the Service option to the service which provides the
program you want. Pressing the
OK button on this
option displays a service list, from which you can select
your desired service.
4. There are five timer modes:
One Time means literally ‘one time’.
Every Day means literally ‘every day’.
Every Weekend means‘Saturday andSundayper week’.
Weekly means ‘one day per week’.
Every Weekday means ‘from Monday to Friday per
Ifyour favoriteprogramis broadcasted atweekendsand