General Appliance, Oven and Microwave
Safety Precautions
Do nottouch hot elements or hot interiorsurfaces ofthe oven,
, The heatingelementsmay be hoteventhough they are darkin
color. Interiorsurfacesofan ovenbecome hotenough tocause
, During and after use, do not touch or let clothing or other
flammable materials contact the heating elements until they
have had sufficient time to cool
Thetrim on topand on the sides ofthe ovendoor may become
hotenough to causeburns.
Use carewhen opening the ovendoor. Open slightly atfirst to
let hotair or steam escape before removing or replacing food.
, Do not heat unopened food containers. Buildup of pressure
may cause the container to burst and result in injury.
Always place oven racksat desired level while oven iscool. If
a rack must be moved while oven is hot, do not let potholder
contact the hotelements.
, Tie long hair so that itdoesn't hang loose.
, Intheevent that personalclothingor hair catchesfire, drop and
roll immediately to extinguish flames.
, Use only dry potholders. Moist or damp potholders in contact
with hot surfaces may result in burns from steam.
, Do not use a towel or other types of bulky cloth in place of
potholders. They may ignite if they toucha hotelement.
The California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement
Act requires businesses to warn customers of potential
exposure to substances which are known by the State of
California tocause cancer or reproductive harm.
The elimination ofsoil during self-cleaning generates some
by-products which are on this list of substances.
Tominimize exposure to these substances, always operate
this oven according to the instructions in this manual and
provide good ventilationto theroom during and immediately
after self-cleaning the oven_
, Confirm that the door locks and will not open before starting
self-clean mode. If door does not lock, do not run self-clean;
phone 800 / 735-4328 for service (see Page 54, for obtaining
Clean only oven parts listed in this manual.
Keep surfaces of door and oven free of soil, especially where
they meeL Refer to cleaning instructions on Page 51.
Do notclean thedoor gasket. Care should betaken not torub,
damage, loosen or remove the door gaskeL It isessential for a
Do not usecommercial oven cleaners or oven liner protective
coating ofany kind in or around any part ofthe oven.
Beforesettingtheself-cleanmode, removethe broilerpan,oven
racks, other utensils and excess, soft spillage.
Do not tamper with, adjust or repair the door, safety interlock
switchesor anyotherpartofthe oven. Repairsmustbe doneby
a qualified service technician.
Donot operatethe microwave modewhenthe oven isempty.If
foodorwater isnotpresentto absorbtheenergy,the ovencould
be damaged with a risk of fire.
Do notdry clothes, newspapers or other materials in the oven.
Newspapers and paper bagsare notsuitable for cooking;a fire
may resulL
, Do not use recycled paper products unless they are labeled
safefor microwave use.These productsmay contain impurities
that may cause sparks and result in a fire.
, Always usepotholders to remove food from oven when usnig
the microwavemode. Heat is transferred fromthe HOT foodto
thecooking container.
Birds havevery sensitive respiratorysystems. Keep pet birds
out ofthe kitchen or other rooms where kitchen fumes could
reach them. During Self Clean mode, fumes that may be
harmful to birds are released. Other kitchen fumes, such as
from overheating margarines and cooking oils, may also be
Continued on next page