Calibration Procedure Teledyne API Model T201 NH
Analyzer Operator Manual
16 07271B DCN6646
The analyzer can be zeroed by either applying zero air straight to the
sample port or through the optional Zero/Span valves, if installed. It is
important to remember that if the analyzer was previously sampling
ammonia gas, prior to conducting a Zero calibration, it will take some
period of time before the zero baseline is reached. The process of zeroing
the analyzer consists of delivering dry zero air to the analyzer. The
operator then manually zeros the TN
and NO
channels individually
through the user interface. The following Tables outline the steps
necessary to zero the analyzer.
Table 2-1. Zero Calibration Procedure – Zero Gas through the SAMPLE Port
Important: Each channel (TN
and NO
) must be zeroed individually
Step No. Action Comment
1. Press CAL The T201 enters the calibrate mode from sample
mode. Confirm zero gas is flowing past the sample
2. Channel Selection Press TN
or NO
then Press ENTR.
3. Range Selection Press LOW or HIGH range then Press ENTR.
Always calibrate the LOW range, section 3.0 below.
4. NH
STB Reading Wait for the displayed stability reading to fall below
1.0 PPB. The lower the stability reading the better the
zero value.
5. Press ZERO If you change your mind after pressing ZERO, you
can still press EXIT without zeroing the instrument.
You don’t have to enter concentration values. The
analyzer knows to apply 0 PPB.
6. Press ENTR Pressing ENTR actually adjusts the Offset value fo
the selected channel.
7. Press EXIT The T201 returns to sampling mode.
8. Check
All displayed concentrations should read zero. The
offset values should be close to zero (-20 to 150 mv)