The calibration gas has been unstable during a calibration. Let the gas flow for 30 seconds before starting the
calibration. Re-try the calibration.
14. ‘CO
Lamp Fail’
The infra red source in the carbon dioxide module is open circuit. The Analyzer will have to be returned to the factory
for repairs.
12. ‘CO
Coms Fail’
The communications link between the carbon dioxide module and the 9070 Analyzer has failed. Try turning the power
off and on. The two LED’s on the inside of the front door should both be flashing to show receive and transmit
15. ‘CO
Zero Error’
The carbon dioxide module and the 9070 are not communicating correctly. Turn the power off and back on again. If
this does not clear the alarm, contact Teledyne Analytical Instruments, service department.
16. ‘Watchdog Timer’
Microprocessor error. This alarm will not appear on the display. The common alarm relay will be forced open circuit.
If the watchdog timer senses a malfunction in the microprocessor, it will attempt to reset the Analyzer every 2 seconds.
After two attempted resets the alarm relay contacts will go open circuit.
There are three user configureable alarm relays. Any or all of the following functions can be selected for each relay.
16. ‘O2% High’
The measured oxygen level is above the level set in set-up 39, and the alarm delay set in set-up 40 has expired. See
Section 5.5.39 for more details.
17. ‘O2% Low’
The measured oxygen level is below the level set in set-up 41, and the alarm delay set in set-up 42 has expired. See
Section 5.5.41 for more details.
18. ‘O2% Very Low’
The measured oxygen level is below the level set in set-up 43, and the alarm delay set in set-up 44 has expired. See
Section 5.5.43 for more details.
19. ‘Sensor Temperature’
The oxygen sensor temperature is under 650°C (1200°F). The oxygen reading is therefore invalid. If the oxygen
sensor heater has been on for more than 20 minutes and the temperature is less than 650°C (1200°F) a ‘Heater Fail’
alarm will occur.
20. ‘Cal in Progress’
An oxygen calibration check is occurring, either manual ( in RUN mode) or automatic
21. ‘High CO2 Alarm’
The measured carbon dioxide level is above the level set in set-up 45, and the alarm delay set in set-up 46 has expired.
See Section 5.5.45 for more details.
22. ‘Low CO2 Alarm’
The measured carbon dioxide level is below the level set in set-up 47, and the alarm delay set in set-up 48 has expired.
See Section 5.5.47 for more details.
23. Alarm Horn
This is not an alarm condition. If one of the three user configureable alarm relays have ‘Alarm Horn’ enabled, the relay
will have closed contacts only when there is an un-accepted alarm on the Analyzer. Press the alarm button twice to
accept any new alarm and to cancel the horn relay. This is only available on relay 4.
The alarm relays are fail safe. That is, the contacts will be closed during normal operation, and will be open circuit if
there is an alarm or if the power is removed from the Analyzer.
Page 26 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 9070 Oxygen Analyzer