Teledyne Analytical Instruments 33
- Dynamic (real time) FID input level
- Time spent in mode
- Range
- Activity indicator
LINE 2 display mode 2 data:
- Current analysis mode
- Analysis TOTAL AREA from most recent pass of
current mode.
- Time spent in mode
- Range
- Activity Indicator
3. When the selected option is a function on the MAIN MENU
or any SUB MENU screen, the function name appears with
an arrow next to it. In some cases, the item in the menu is
the parent of another SUB MENU; in other cases, the item in
the menu is the parent of a MODIFIABLE ITEM.
8. If the selected option is a MODIFIABLE ITEM, the ARROW
KEYS are used to modify the value of the item. A modifiable
item is flashing. The ENTER key is then used to accept the
value and move you to the next field to continue programming. ESCAPE
The ESCAPE key is used in several context-sensitive ways.
4. When showing the THC analysis mode, the ESCAPE key
temporarily clears any present alarms. However, if the alarm
condition is still present, the alarm will re-occur when re-
detected. Also, pressing the ESCAPE key clears the
messages generated by incorrect gain settings (i.e. bad span,
gain too high).
When the selected option is a function on the MAIN MENU
or any SUB MENU screen (the menu name appears with a
flashing arrow next to it), the ESCAPE key is used to return
to the parent menu finally returning to the ANALYSIS
SCREEN the function.
9. If the selected option is a modifiable item (value is flashing),
The ESCAPE key is used to escape to the parent menu without