Teledyne Analytical Instruments5-4
5 Maintenance & 5 Maintenance &
5 Maintenance & 5 Maintenance &
5 Maintenance &
Model 356WModel 356W
Model 356WModel 356W
Model 356W
not touch it with your fingersnot touch it with your fingers
not touch it with your fingersnot touch it with your fingers
not touch it with your fingers. Avoid any possible
contamination of the screen.
c) Cleanse the cell thoroughly in electrolyte solution.
d) Insert the new lead electrode in place in the cell body and secure
with lock washers and screws.
e) Carefully install screen assembly and secure with mounting
f) Immerse the cell assembly in hot cleaning solution and then rinse
in distilled water.
g) Install prepared cell assembly as described in Section 4.2.3:
5.6 Screen Assembly5.6 Screen Assembly
5.6 Screen Assembly5.6 Screen Assembly
5.6 Screen Assembly
The screen assembly will become discolored after prolonged use due to
contamination. When this occurs, and if the cell no longer displays adequate
sensitivity, the entire cell assembly must be replaced. Refer to Section 4.2.3:
Cell Installation
for cell installation instructions.
5.7 Reservoir and Humidifier Column5.7 Reservoir and Humidifier Column
5.7 Reservoir and Humidifier Column5.7 Reservoir and Humidifier Column
5.7 Reservoir and Humidifier Column
Approximately once each year the reservoir and humidifier column
should be drained and cleaned. Use the following procedure:
a) Reduce sample flow to approximately
50 cc/min50 cc/min
50 cc/min50 cc/min
50 cc/min.
b) Refer to Figure 4-1. Place a small funnel with attached tubing
beneath the drain spout which is located on the underside of the
reservoir. Remove the drain spout cap and allow the reservoir
and humidifier column to drain thoroughly.
c) Replace the drain spout cap, turn the sample flow off, and
remove the fill cap on the top of the reservoir.
d) Add a small amount of electrolyte to a pint of warm distilled
water. Pour the solution into the reservoir and replace the fill cap.
e) Gently open the throttle valve and permit the sample to flow for
five to ten minutes.
f) Reduce the sample flow to
50 cc/min50 cc/min
50 cc/min50 cc/min
50 cc/min. and drain the solution
from the reservoir. When drained, replace the drain cap and turn
off the sample flow.
g) Rinse by filling with distilled water and draining several times.
h) If the humidifier column still retains deposits on its walls, it should
be removed and cleaned with a brush and suitable cleaner. See