Teledyne API Model 300M CO Analyzer Instruction Manual, 04033, Rev. A
Table 1-1: Status Outputs
Pin Pair
(Low, High)
Definition Condition
1 1,2 ALARM 1
Gas concentration is exceeding the Hi set
2 3,4 ALARM 2
Gas concentration is exceeding the HiHi set
3 5,6 SYSTEM OK True if no alarm conditions exist
4 7,8 TEMP ALARM True if any temp warning exists
5 9, 10 DIAG MODE True if in diagnostic mode
6 11,12 POWER ON True if main power is on
7 13,14 PRESS ALARM True on low pressure
8 15,16 HIGH RANGE
True if the auto-range function has switched
the analyzer into high range.
9 17,18 FLOW ALARM True if a flow warning exists
10 19,20 RESERVED
11 21,22
True if the analyzer source intensity is out
of limits.
12 23,24 RESERVED
1.6.4 RS-232
The RS-232 connection is a male, 9-pin D-sub connector at the location shown in Figure 1-3.
See also Appendix A for additional information.
1.6.5 Pneumatic System
The Model 300M is equipped with a vacuum pump capable of pulling 800 cc/min across a flow
restrictor. This allows a smooth, stable flow of sample through the analyzer.
Sample enters the analyzer through a particulate filter element (47 mm diameter) mounted
immediately behind the front panel. The sample then enters directly into the sample cell. Please
see Figure 1-1 for a flow diagram and Figure 1-4 for pneumatic connections.