Maintenance 3000ZA-3X
Teledyne Analytical Instruments 58
For proper operation, all 3000 series analyzers require a flow
restriction device. This device is typically a restrictor or a valve. The
restriction device serves two functions in the sample path.
1. It is used to limit the flow rate of the sample through the
analyzer. A restrictor is chosen to operate over a range of
pressures and provide a useable flow rate over that range.
2. The restriction device provides a pressure drop. This device
is selected to provide the only significant pressure drop in the
sample path.
The current revision of the 3000 series analyzers are supplied with
a kit containing two restrictors and a union which are user installed.
These parts are supplied to give the end user more flexibility when
installing the analyzer. The restrictor kit is suitable for high and low
positive pressure applications as well as vacuum service applications
(see manual for installation instructions).
The standard restrictor (BLUE DOT) is recommended for pressures
between 5 and 50 PSIG. For positive low pressure application (5 psig or
less) the unmarked restrictor is better suited. For unpressurized sample
applications the marked restrictor should be used and configured for
vacuum service.
Note: For extremely low positive pressure applications (less then
2 psig) the vacuum service configuration should provide
higher performance (higher flow rates).
For vacuum service, the end user must supply a vacuum pump and
a by-pass valve for the pump. A vacuum level of 5–10 inches of
mercury should provide the optimum flow rate. CAUTION: flow
restrictors have very small orifices and may be plugged by small
particles (.005” dia or larger) A sample filter must be included in the
sample line prior to the restrictor! (A 60 micron filter is recommended).
Example 1: With an incoming pressure of 10 psig the standard restrictor
(blue dot) will provide a flow rate of 0.76 SLPM. Upstream of the
restrictor the sample line pressure will be 10 psig, while down stream