Operation 3000TA- EU
Teledyne Analytical Instruments 32
When the selected option includes a modifiable item, the ▲/▼
arrow buttons can be used to increment or decrement that modifiable
The Enter button is used to accept any new entries on the VFD
screen. The Escape button is used to abort any new entries on the VFD
screen that are not yet accepted by use of the Enter button.
Figure 4-1 shows the hierarchy of functions available to the
operator via the function buttons. The six function buttons on the
analyzer are:
Analyze. This is the normal operating mode. The analyzer
monitors the oxygen content of the sample, displays the
percent of oxygen, and warns of any alarm conditions.
System. The system function consists of six subfunctions
that regulate the internal operations of the analyzer:
Auto-Cal setup
Password assignment
Self-Test initiation
Checking software version
Logging out.
Zero. Used to set up a zero calibration.
Span. Used to set up a span calibration.
Alarms. Used to set the alarm setpoints and determine
whether each alarm will be active or defeated, HI or LO
acting, latching, and/or failsafe.
Range. Used to set up three analysis ranges that can be
switched automatically with auto-ranging or used as
individual fixed ranges.
Any function can be selected at any time by pressing the
appropriate button (unless password restrictions apply). The order as
presented in this manual is appropriate for an initial setup.
Each of these functions is described in greater detail in the
following procedures. The VFD screen text that accompanies each
operation is reproduced, at the appropriate point in the procedure, in a
Monospaced type style. Pushbutton names are printed in Oblique type.