Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Thermal Conductivity Analyzer Model 212R
1.2 Sensitivity.
Differences in thermal conductivity that produce a measuring bridge error
signal of 0.25 microvolts will be sensed by the analyzer.
1.3 Stability.
Internal variables, other than the sample gas, that could produce variations
in the output signal are carefully controlled by the Model 212R. Zero drift is
approximately 2% of the fine range in a 24 hour period of operation; further-
more, the drift is bidirectional with a properly installed analyzer and is related to
gross changes in ambient temperature. The variables, both internal and external,
that can affect the stability of the analyzer will be dealt with in detail in the instal-
lation and trouble shooting sections of this manual.
1.4 Special Consideration.
Consideration of Using the 212R to Measure H2, or measure other compounds
in H2. H2 in the gas state can be assume of one tow states, para H2, or ortho
H2. Each has its own Thermal Conductivity Value. These differ by about 10%
from one another.
So this must be taken into consideration when attempting to use the 212R on H2
We would recommend one consult Wikipedia.com or other sources to learn
more about these two states of H2 and how the thermal conductivity of the gas
stream varies with the state.
If for instance one is using pure H2 as a reference gas, and this gas is in the para
state associated with cryogenic H2 recently vaporized, and this is then compared
to cylinder H2 which may be in a different state, then considerable measurement
errors can result.
Contact Teledyne for further guidance or information on your specific applica-
1.5 Physical Configuration.
The analyzer is housed in a sheet steel case that is designed to flush mount
within an equipment panel. Electrical controls, as well as an integral gas control