Adjustment Procedures
VITS100 NTSC VITS Inserter Instruction Manual
Table 6–1: Recommended Test Equipment
Item Minimum Requirements Example
Variable Autotransformer Variable range of 90 to 120 VAC (220 VAC
operation use 220 Vac autotransformer)
General Radio metered auto transformer:
Waveform/Vector Monitor Combination waveform monitor and
vectorscope capable of displaying line-rate
and field-rate signals
Tektronix 1780R Video Measurement Set
Television Test Signal Generator NTC7 Composite, Flat Field, Multiburst,
and Red Field signals
Tektronix TSG-170A NTSC Television
Television Test Signal Generator/Sync
Pulse Generator (TSG/SPG)
Generator that can output a high frequency
multiburst signal.
Test Oscilloscope Vertical amplifier bandwidth of 40 MHz,
1 mV sensitivity, and 0.25% accuracy.
Horizontal time base of 5 msec/div to
2 msec/div and external triggering.
Tektronix TAS465
Oscilloscope 10X Probe Tektronix P6137 10X Probe
Frequency Counter Counter to measure frequencies up to
30 MHz ECL levels, with 10 Hz accuracy at
28.6 MHz
Tegam DC503A a Universal Counter/Timer
Frequency Standard Oscillator with an accuracy of 1 X 10
(WWV receiver in the USA)
Peak-to-Peak Detector and Detector Head Amplitude of up to 1 V
and a flatness of
+0.2% from 50 kHz to 10 MHz
Tektronix part number 015-0408-00
Video Noise Generator White noise on composite video, signal-to-
noise ratio of at least 28 dB, Hum noise on
composite video with a 0 dB signal-to-noise
ratio, 1 dB steps with DC coupling, 75 W
impedance, and flat response to 5.5 MHz.
Multimeter Accuracy of +0.7% to measure 0–20 VDC. Tektronix DM252
Power Module Power supply for Frequency Counter,
Peak-to-Peak Detector, Video Noise
Generator, and Multimeter
Tegam TM506A Power Module Mainframe
75 W End-Line Terminators (two) BNC-type terminators, accuracy of 0.25% Tektronix part number 011-0102-01
75 W Feed-Through Terminator BNC-type terminator, accuracy of 0.2%. Tektronix part number 011-0103-02
BNC Adaptor Female-to-Female Tektronix part number 103-0028-00
75 W BNC Cables (five) Tektronix part number 012-0159-00
Adjustment Procedure
This procedure is written to accommodate partial or full readjustment. In some
cases only one or two adjustments may be required to return the instrument to
operation within its stated specifications. In these cases you need only adjust the
portion of the VITS inserter that does not meet specifications.