TDS 500D, TDS 600B & TDS 700D Performance Verification and Specifications
This is the Performance Verification and Specifications for the TDS 500D,
TDS 600B, and TDS 700D Oscilloscopes. It contains procedures suitable for
determining if each instrument functions, was adjusted properly, and meets the
performance characteristics as warranted. The following models are covered:
TDS 500D: TDS 520D, TDS 540D and TDS 580D
TDS 600B: TDS 620B, TDS 644B, TDS 680B, and TDS 684B
TDS 700D: TDS 724D, TDS 754D, TDS 784D, and TDS 794D
This document also contains the technical specifications for these oscilloscopes.
Related Manuals
The following documents are related to the use or service of this oscilloscope:
H The TDS 500D, TDS 600B & 700D User Manual describes how to use this
H The TDS Family Programmer Disk, included with the User Manual,
describes using a computer to control the oscilloscope through the GPIB
H The TDS 500D, TDS 600B & 700D Reference describes a quick overview of
how to operate your oscilloscope.
H The TDS 500D, TDS 600B & 700D Service Manual describes information
for maintaining and servicing the oscilloscope to the module level.