CTS 710 SONET Test Set User Manual
The tutorial acquaints you with the features of the CTS 710 by
having you run a test while you explore specific features of the
CTS 710. For full details on how to use the CTS 710, refer to
The tutorial presents procedures in tables. Perform the procedure by
reading from left to right in the table (see example below). The word
none in a cell indicates that no action is required.
Press Menu
Select Menu
Select Choice
Begin here with
Step 1
Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Step 5 Step 6
Step 7 Step 8, CTS 710
instruction is
Some procedures require several iterations of highlighting parame-
ters and selecting choices. Some procedures may require more than
one menu button or menu page selection as well.
Before Turning On the CTS 710
This tutorial describes how to perform a bit-error rate (BER) test on
an STS-1 signal. To perform the tutorial, you need a 75 W coaxial
cable with BNC connectors on each end. This tutorial assumes you
have set up the CTS 710 as described in First Time Operation, on
page 1–3.
To set up your CTS 710 for the tutorial, perform these steps:
H Check that the CTS 710 is turned off. If it is on, you can put it in
standby mode by pressing the ON/STBY button.
CTS 710 SONET Test Set User Manual
The tutorial acquaints you with the features of the CTS 710 by
having you run a test while you explore specific features of the
CTS 710. For full details on how to use the CTS 710, refer to
The tutorial presents procedures in tables. Perform the procedure by
reading from left to right in the table (see example below). The word
none in a cell indicates that no action is required.
Press Menu
Select Menu
Select Choice
Begin here with
Step 1
Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Step 5 Step 6
Step 7 Step 8, CTS 710
instruction is
Some procedures require several iterations of highlighting parame-
ters and selecting choices. Some procedures may require more than
one menu button or menu page selection as well.
Before Turning On the CTS 710
This tutorial describes how to perform a bit-error rate (BER) test on
an STS-1 signal. To perform the tutorial, you need a 75 W coaxial
cable with BNC connectors on each end. This tutorial assumes you
have set up the CTS 710 as described in First Time Operation, on
page 1–3.
To set up your CTS 710 for the tutorial, perform these steps:
H Check that the CTS 710 is turned off. If it is on, you can put it in
standby mode by pressing the ON/STBY button.