Reference: Remote Commands ~ Command Description
3-50 OTS9100 User Manual
This command controls the source of transmitted overhead data in Through Mode. The parameter is a
numeric value in which each bit enables retransmission of received data for one specific overhead field.
The bit values are shown under :SOURCE:DATA:OVERHEAD:PASSTHROUGH. The query form returns
the current setting.
Syntax :SOURce<slot>:DATA:OVERhead:PASSthru:ALL?
:SOURce<slot>:DATA:OVERhead:PASSthru:ALL <NR1>
This command enables the local calculation of B1 and B2 parity bits when the transmitter is in Through
Mode. When this function is enabled, the B1 and B2 bits are calculated from the payload value; when it is
disabled, the B1 and B2 bits have the values of the received B1 and B2 bits. This setting has no effect
when the payload is internally generated. The query form returns the current setting.
Syntax :SOURce<slot>:DATA:PARIty:LOOP?
:SOURce<slot>:DATA:PARIty:LOOP <Boolean>
Parameters Description
THRU B1 and B2 bit values are taken from the received signal
REGEN B1 and B2 bit values are regenerated from the transmitted data
FORCE_THRU B1 and B2 bit values are taken from the received signal, independent of the
setting of this parameter
FORCE_REGEN B1 and B2 bit values are regenerated from the transmitted data, independent of
the setting of this parameter
This command controls the source of transmitted path overhead data in Through Mode. The first
parameter specifies a path overhead data field; the second selects whether that field's data comes from
the received signal (ON) or is generated by the OTS transmitter (OFF). The query form returns the current
setting for the specified field.
Syntax :SOURce<slot>:DATA:PATH:OVERhead:PASSthru? <Enum>
:SOURce<slot>:DATA:PATH:OVERhead:PASSthru <Enum> ,<Boolean>
Parameters Description
C2A C2 (path label) POH byte (bit value 131,072 in…:ALL command)
F2A F2 POH byte (bit value 524,288)
F3A F3 (Z3) POH byte (bit value 2,097,152)
G1A G1 POH byte (bit value 262,144)
H4A H4 POH byte (bit value 1,048,576)
J1A J1 (path trace) POH byte (bit value 65,536)
K3A K3 (Z4) POH byte (bit value 4,194,304)
N1A N1 POH byte (bit value 8,388,608)
PAYload Payload data (bit value 16,777,216)