
764 Digital Audio Monitor User Manual
Table 16: General remote control commands (Cont.)
Command Effect
MSGON:<text> Displays a temporary message up to 58 charac-
ters on the top line of the 764 display. Excess text
does not wrap; it is truncated.
MSGOFF Removes the temporary message.
SYSTEM:ERROR Returns the last command error.
SYSTEM:ERROR:CLEAR Clears the last command error.
GET Commands. GET commands retrieve information from the 764;
Table 17 lists and explains the GET commands.
SYNTAX: GET:mnemonic:<number> (no number or
invalid number returns all selections for the mnemonic).
Table 17: Remote control GET commands
Command Value = selection Retrieves
GET:? none Lists all the GET commands
GET:mnemonic none All the values for the command
GET:TIME none Current (Session, LTC, or
VITC) time
GET:FRAME:<01> 0=Ch 12 input
1=Ch 34 input
Frame Sync Errors
GET:SAMPR:<01> 0=Ch 12 input
1=Ch 34 input
Sample rate
GET:RAWSR:<01> 0=Ch 12 input
1=Ch 34 input
Raw sample rate
GET:ERRFLAG:<01> 0=Ch 12 input
1=Ch 34 input
Error flags
GET:BARFLAG:<03> 0=Meter bar #1
1=Meter bar #2
2=Meter bar #3
3=Meter bar #4
Bar flags