You can split the keyboard into right and left sections (SPLIT),
and assign a different sound to each section.
1. Press the LEFT button in the CONDUCTOR
to turn it on.
• If the LEFT part does not turn on, then turn off the AUTO
PLAY CHORD, or select any mode except PIANIST.
2. Use the SPLIT POINT button to define the
point that divides the left and right keyboard
• Each time the SPLIT POINT button is pressed, the indica-
tion moves to the next split point in the following order.
G2 ➝ C3 ➝ C4 ➝ customized split point (all indicators
off) (see below).
Customized split point
Use the following procedure if you wish to store a split point
at a location other than G2, C3 or C4.
1. Press and hold the SPLIT POINT button for a
few seconds.
• The following display appears.
2. Press a key on the keyboard to specify the
desired split point.
• A split point is set at the location of the pressed key, and
is indicated on the keyboard illustration on the display.
• The key at the split point is the lowest note of the right
keyboard section.
• After a few seconds, the display exits the setting mode.
• Whenever the keyboard is split, you can select your cus-
tomized split point by pressing the SPLIT POINT button
until none of the split point indicators is lit. In this case,
the customized split point is indicated on the display.
During your performance you can quickly change the octave
of the RIGHT 1 and RIGHT 2 parts. Use this convenient func-
tion to expand the octave range of the keyboard, especially
during a split-keyboard performance.
⇒ Use the R1/R2 OCTAVE buttons (+ and –) to
change the octave.
• Press the + button to raise the pitch and the – button to
lower the pitch (–2 to +2).
• The display looks similar to the following.
• You can also use the ∧ and ∨ buttons on the R 1/R 2
OCTAVE display to change the octave.
• The display returns to the previous display after a few
• A lit + or – indicator shows that the octave has been
• To cancel the octave change, press both buttons at the
same time.
• The note pitches (NOTE NUMBER) recorded in the
SEQUENCER and during MIDI transmission are also af-
fected by this octave setting. However, it does not affect
SEQUENCER playback or received MIDI data.
– +
Sounds and effects
Part I Sounds and effects