Models C708 & C716 Operating Procedures
To INCREASE the flow rate, turn the adjustment
screw CLOCKWISE. To DECREASE the flow rate,
turn the adjustment screw COUNTER-
Step 9
Snap the design c aps ov er the bottom of the door
Step 10
Slide the two rear dr ip trays into the holes in the
back panel. Slide the two drip pans int o t he holes in
the side panels. (See Figure 28.)
Figure 2 8
Step 11
Install the front drip tray and splash s hield under the
door spouts. (See Figure 29.)
Figure 2 9
Mix Pump Assembly
Step 1
Inspect the rubber pump parts. O-rings and gasket
must be in 100% good condition for the pump and
entire machine to oper ate p roperly. The o-rings and
gasket cannot properly serve their intended function
if nicks, cuts, or holes in the material are present.
Replace any defective parts immediately and
discard the old.
Step 2
Assemble the p iston. Slide the red o-ring into the
groove of the piston. DO NOT lubricate the o-ring.
(See Figure 30.)
Figure 3 0
Step 3
Apply a thin lay er of lubricant to the inside o f the
pump cylinder at the retaining pin hole end.
(See Figure 31.)
Figure 3 1