Operat ing Procedures Mod el 5454
Closing Procedures
To disassemble the Model 5454, the following items
will be needed:
S T wo sanitized pails
S Sanitized stainless steel rerun can with lid
S Necessary brushes (provided with the
S Cleaner
S Single ser vice towels
Draining Product From the
Freezing Cylinder
Step 1
Press the AUTO and MIX k eypads to cancel freezer
Step 2
Remove th e syrup lines by rotating the syrup line
fittings upward 90_ and pulling out them out of the
door. Install the syrup hole plugs.
Step 3
Open the mix cabinet door and remove the funnel, mix
probe, and mix tank. Empty the mix from the mix tank
into a saniti zed stainless steel rerun can.
Step 4
Place an e mpty, sanitized mix pail in the mix cabinet
and insert the suct ion line.
Step 5
Place an empty pail beneath the door spouts . Lower
one drawhandle at a time to clear the flavored product
left in the draw cavities. Raise the draw handles and
discard this product.
Step 6
If local health codes permi t the use of rerun,place
a sanitized, NSF approved stainles s steel rerun
container beneath the door spouts. Lower the draw
handles, and pr ess the WASH and PUMP keypads.
Drain all the mix from the freezing cy linder. When the
product stops flowing from the door spouts, raise the
draw handles and press the WASH and PUMP
keypads t o st op operation. Place the sanitized lid on
the rerun container and plac e it in the walk- in c ooler.
Note: If local health codes DO NOT permit the use
of rerun, the product must be discarded. Drain the
product into a mix pail and properly discard it.
Step 1
Fill the empty pail i n the mix cabinet with two gallons
(7.6 liter s) of cool, clean water. Put the suct ion line into
the pail of water.
Step 2
Place an empty mix pail beneath the door spouts , and
raise the prime p lug.
Step 3
Press the WASH and PUMP k eypads. This action will
cause the rinse w ater to be pumped into the freezing
Step 4
When a steady st ream of rinse water is flowing from
the bleed port in the bottom of the freezer door, lower
the d raw handles and draw off all the r inse water.
Step 5
Once the rinse water stops flowing from the door
spouts, raise the draw handles and press the WASH
and PUMP keypads to stop operation.
Step 6
Repeat this procedure using clean, warm water, until
the w ater being discharged is clear.
Step 1
Preparea mix pailof approved 100PPM cleaning solu-
tion (examples: 2- 1/2 gal. [9.5 liter s] of Kay- 5R or
2 gal. [7.6 liters ] of Stera- SheenR). USE WARM
SPECIFICATIONS. Place the pail of cleaning solution
inside the mix cabinet . Insert the suction line.
Step 2
Place a n empty mix pail beneath the door spouts. Be
sure the prime plug is still in the raised position.
Step 3
Press the WASH and PUMP keypads. When a steady
stream of cleaning solution is exiting the bleed port in
the bottom of the freezer door, lower the prime plug.
Press the PUMP keypad. Allow the cleaning solution
to agitate in the freezing c ylinder.