Model H63Operating Procedures
Step 1
Preparea pailof an approved 100PPM sanitizing solu-
tion (examples: 2--1/2 gal. [9.5 liters] of Kay--5R or
2 gal. [7.6 liters ] of Stera--SheenR). USE WARM WA-
Step 2
Pour the sanitizing solution over all the parts in the
bottom of the mix hopper and allow it to flow into the
freezing cylinder.
Note: You have just sanitized the mix hopper and
parts; theref ore, be sure your hand s are saniti zed
before going on in these instructions.
Step 3
While t he solution is flowing into the freezing cylinder ,
take particular care to brush clean the mix level
sensing probes, the mix hopper, mix inlet hole, inner
and outer air tubes, the outside of the agitator housing,
and the agitator. Brush the exposed sides of the
Step 4
Place the power switc h in the ON posit ion.
Step 5
Press the WASH key and allow the sanitizing solution
in the fr eezing cylinder to agitate for f ive minutes.
Figure 17
Step 6
With a pail beneath the dispensing spout, open and
close the draw valve six times. Draw of f the remaining
sanitizing solution.
Figure 18
Step 7
Once the sanitizer st ops flowing from the dispensing
spout, close the draw valve and pres s the WASH key,
cancelling the beater motor operation.
Note: Be sure y our hands are clean an d sanitized
before continuing these instructions.
Step 8
Lubricate the o--rings on the inner and outer air tubes.
Place theinner air tube inside the outer air tube and lay
in bottom o f m ix hopper.
Figure 19