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Find Button
Search the text and highlight the found match.
Find Next Button
Continue the previous search.
Open Button
Open a saved text file.
Save Button
Save text to a file.
Clock Button
Insert the current date and time at the bottom of your text. This is useful for
keeping a log.
Make Topmost Window
(Up Arrow button)
Click this button if you want this screen to "float on top" of all other windows.
Exit Button
Exit this screen.
Applicable to Daily Notes Mode ONLY
Save Daily Notes Button
Save changes and exit.
Delete Button
Delete all notes for this date. (Use to keep your file from growing to enormous
Alarm Button
This button allows you to open the Set Reminder Alarms screen right from the
Daily Notes screen. If you select any text from your note (up to 35 characters)
this text will be entered in to the Alarm Message box.
Applicable to Scratch Pad Mode ONLY
Log File
You can keep a log file (same as Windows Notepad) by including the ".LOG" as
the first 4 characters in your file. When the Scratch Pad opens such file, it will
immediately add the current date and time to the bottom of that text and allow
you to start a new entry.