The default set of voice prompts is provided in US English and is the standard set of voice prompts supplied with the
MCU. These are spoken by a female voice in Americanized English. If your unit is using customized voice prompts
and you want to return to using the default set of voice prompts:
1. Go to .
2. In the section, uncheck Use customized voice prompts.
3. If your unit was provided to you as a localized unit, uncheck Use localization package.
4. Click .
The default voice prompts will be applied immediately, although it may take a few seconds before everyone
connected to the MCU is able to hear the new prompts.
It is possible to upload a collection of alternative voice prompts to the MCU with a single upload operation, using a
customization package. Such a package may have been supplied to you by Codian or one of its representatives, or you
may have created the package yourself (see Downloading a customization package).
To upload a package:
1. Go to .
2. In the section, click and locate the .package file on your computer.
3. Click .
The upload may take several seconds, depending on the size of the package file and the speed of your network
connection. When the upload is complete, a status screen will be shown, displaying some or all of the individual voice
prompt customizations included in the package if the upload was a success, or an error message if the upload failed for
some reason.
To apply the uploaded customization package:
In the section, check Use customized voice prompts.
: If you were already using uploaded alternative voice prompts on the MCU, then these will be immediately
replaced by those in the customization package. If a particular customized file is not included in the package, then any
existing customization is unchanged. This allows customization sets to be built up using several different packages if
You may review the voice prompt customizations available in the table headed Voice prompts. The list
displays all voice prompt customizations, providing details for those which have alternatives uploaded. Because these
lists can be quite long, by default they are hidden. Instead, the number of customizations (files) available is shown. If
any have been modified (meaning an alternative customization has been uploaded, either individually, or as part of a
package), then this is indicated by an asterisk after the table name.