User Guide
<configuration-type root command> <address expr> ?/help
Example 2.7
User wants to configure IP:
xconfiguration ip ?
*h xConfiguration IP Assignment: <DHCP/Static>
*h xConfiguration IP Address: <IPAddr>
*h xConfiguration IP SubnetMask: <IPAddr>
*h xConfiguration IP Gateway: <IPAddr>
NOTE! Only typing xconfiguration ?, actually addresses all configuration elements within
the xconfiguration root command. One would therefore expect that help on all configurations
would be returned. But as described above, this is a special case and only listings of the top
level elements are returned. To get help on all configurations supported by the system, type:
xconfiguration // ?
xconfiguration ??
2.3.2 Configuration read
To read configurations, type the configuration-type root command followed by an address
<configuration-type root command> <address expr>
Example 2.8
User wants to read IP configurations:
xconfiguration ip
*c xConfiguration IP Assignment: Static
*c xConfiguration IP Address: ""
*c xConfiguration IP SubnetMask: ""
*c xConfiguration IP Gateway: ""
2.3.3 Configuration set (write)
To set configurations, the address expression following the configuration-type root command
must end with a colon. The value to be set must be added after the colon:
<configuration-type root command> <address expr>: value