
Participating in a Conference
TANDBERG See & Share Conferencing Software
User guide Page 21 of 33
Participating in a Conference
Changing the Viewing Options
After you’ve joined a conference (either from an email or invitation from See&Share software), you
can adjust the viewing options in a number of ways. Select the option you’d like from Menu >
Options > Viewing Options.
Three options are available:
View Full Screen: When you check this option, See&Share software expands to occupy your entire
display. If the presenter’s desktop is smaller than yours, it appears centered within your display. If
the presenter’s desktop is larger than yours, See&Share software reduces the image to fit on your
NOTE: When you select the View Full Screen option, the shared desktop also covers the
Windows taskbar. If you need to see the taskbar again, clear this selection or press ALT+F.
Keep See&Share software window on top of other windows: Select this option to prevent other
programs and windows from appearing on top of the shared desktop.
Fit presenter's desktop to window: When you check this option, See&Share software reduces the
image of the shared desktop to fit within the See&Share software window, if necessary. If you turn
this option off while you’re viewing a shared desktop that’s larger than your desktop, scroll bars
appear. You can use them to scroll to the parts of the shared desktop that don’t fit within your
display. The Fit presenter's desktop to window option is on by default.
NOTE: If you turn off the Fit presenter's desktop to window option, you can move the
See&Share software toolbar independently of the presenter’s toolbar. Normally, your toolbar
mirrors the position of the presenter’s toolbar.
Viewing the List of Participants
To view a list of the participants in a conference, click the participant list button .
The participant list appears, showing the number of participants and their names. Your name
appears in boldface type.
NOTE: When no one in a conference is sharing a desktop, you can also see the list of
participants in the See&Share software lobby screen.
NOTE: If you are the conference's presenter or owner, your
participants list looks different.
You can move the participant list anywhere on the screen by clicking the title bar and dragging the
window. You might find this useful if the list is covering a portion of the desktop that you want to see.
To close the participants list, click the Close button
in the upper right or the participant list
in the See&Share software toolbar.
You can also
invite others to attend the conference by clicking the Send Invite button.
Chatting with Other Participants
You can use the chat window in See&Share software's lobby screen or the participant list to
broadcast messages to some or all members of a conference.