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Liberty City Survivor
Are you a hater and not a lover? If so
then you are going to die to be involved
in this game.
Become a Multiplaying Badass
To start a multiplayer game, press
the Start button at any time and
select “Multiplayer”.
Software titles that support
Wi-Fi functionality allow you to
communicate with other PSP™
systems, download data and
compete against other players
via connection to a wireless local
area network (WLAN). You can
adjust the network settings to
allow connection to a wireless
local area network. Grand eft
Auto: Liberty City Stories is only
playable through Ad Hoc mode.
Always wanted to smack your friend around a little, destroy the car
your neighbor is about to purchase at the car dealer or even drive a tank
around the city? Well Mayor Hole is giving you that opportunity. For
a one week period only Liberty City is opening up for absolute legal
mayhem in celebration of his 59th birthday which will happen later
this year.
As part of the birthday celebrations all readers of Liberty Tree will
have the chance to enter the Multi-play Competition. Detailed prize
mayhem missions are laid out over the next 2 pages.
Every man for themselves - Kill the
other players.
Exclusive Competition News
e first player to reach the Kill
Limit or have the most kills when
the Time Limit has been reached
wins the game.
Killing another player earns you a
point but kill yourself and a point
will be deducted.
Or team up and kill the opposing
gang members.
e first gang to reach the Kill
Limit or have the most kills when
the Time Limit has been reached
wins the game.