997-01530-01, Rev. C-25, Jan 2008 7
Code Out
The default output is IRIG-B-120 AM. Configuration is via the Keypad, Serial I/O, and Network port.
Five flags are encoded in the control function segment of the IRIG B code. The first flag encoded at
element P5+40ms is the LOCK indicator. It is a binary 1 when the reference source has become
unlocked. The second flag encoded at element P5+60ms is a binary 1 when the worst case time error
exceeds threshold 1 element P5+70ms is a binary 1 when the worst case time error exceeds threshold
2. Element P5+80ms encodes a binary 1 when the error exceeds threshold 3 and P5+90ms when the
error exceeds threshold 4.
The time code resets as follows:
The open collector alarm output has the following states:
Format: IRIG B-120 1 kHz AM -000 DC
Amplitude (AM): 3 Vp-p, into 50 Ω +/-10%
Ratio (AM): 3:1 +/-10%
Amplitude (DC): TTL into 50 Ω
Qty: 1
Connector: BNC female
Phasing: In phase with carrier ± 10 μS
Refer to
“Time and Frequency Accuracy” on page 3
Days Reset: Resets to day 1 after day 365
Leap Year: Resets to day 1 after day 366
Drive: Open Collector
Max. Voltage: 25 VDC
Max. Current: 50 mA
Qty: 1
Connector: BNC female
Off (High Z) Power off
Off (High Z) Error, major or minor enabled alarm fault.
On (Low Z) Normal, no major or minor enabled alarm faults.