
097-58001-02 Revision G – April 2008 TimeProvider User’s Guide 91
Chapter 4 Provisioning the TimeProvider
Setting Communications Parameters
Setting Ethernet Parameters
Set up the Ethernet port, if you are using it, by following the procedure in Setting
Ethernet Parameters, on page 93.
Setting User Security
Set up the user security (usernames and passwords), if you are using it, by
following the procedure in Defining the Security Parameters, on page 94.
Setting Communications Parameters
If you want to change the communications parameter values, use the ED-EQPT
command. The following sections describe the commands for performing each
individual task. For detailed information on the ED-EQPT command, see the
TimeProvider TL1 Reference Guide. Record the values you provision in Table 4-4.
Setting RS-232 Parameters
This section describes how to set the baud rate, the handshaking mode, and echo
modes on the local and remote ports. The default values are 9600 baud, No flow
control, echo mode disabled, tidquiet disabled.
Setting the Baud Rate
Use the ED-EQPT command to provision the baud rate on the Local or Remote port.
This command has a default access level of ADMIN.
Sample Command
This command sets the local Craft communications port to 9600 baud.
Normal Response
TIMEPROVIDER 03-10-24 10:10:25
<aid> <keyword> <value> Description Default value
p = L | R
BAUD 2400 | 9600 | 19200 |
28800 | 38400 | 57600 |
Baud rate 9600