Using Bluetooth 3-5
Enabling Bluetooth
To enable Bluetooth, tap Bluetooth icon - Enable Bluetooth. The Bluetooth icon changes to indicate that Bluetooth is enabled.
Figure 3-2. Enable Bluetooth
Bluetooth Power States
Cold Boot
When a cold boot is performed on the mobile computer, Bluetooth turns off. It is normal to see the Bluetooth icon appear and
disappear, as well as a wait cursor, when initialization proceeds in all modes.
Warm Boot
When a warm boot is performed on the mobile computer, Bluetooth returns to the disabled state (off).
When the mobile computer suspends, Bluetooth turns off.
When the mobile computer is placed in suspend mode, the Bluetooth radio mode powers off and the piconet
(Bluetooth connection) is dropped. When the mobile computer resumes, it could take up to 10 seconds for the
Bluetooth radio driver to re-initialize the radio.
When the mobile computer resumes, Bluetooth turns on if it was on prior to suspend. Note that any Bluetooth connection that was
dropped during a suspend needs to be reconnected after a resume.
The BTExplorer application has two mode for managing Bluetooth connections: Wizard Mode and Explorer Mode. The Wizard Mode
is for novice Bluetooth users and the Explorer Mode is for experienced Bluetooth users.
Wizard Mode
Wizard Mode provides a simple step by step process for discovering and connecting to Bluetooth devices. The wizard takes you
through the entire process.