Operating the MC9090-G RFID 2 - 11
Function (blue) Press and release the blue function key to activate the keypad alternate functions
(shown on the keypad in blue). The LED above the key lights and the icon
appears on the taskbar on WinCE devices or the icon appears at the bottom of
the screen on Windows Mobile 5.0 devices. Press and release the blue function key
again to return to the normal keypad functions.
Control Press and release the CTRL key to activate the keypad alternate CTRL functions.
The LED above the key lights and the icon appears on the taskbar on WinCE
devices or the icon appears at the bottom of the screen on Windows Mobile 5.0
Press the Blue key followed by the CTRL key to activate the keypad alternate ALT
functions. The icon appears on the taskbar on WinCE devices or the icon
appears at the bottom of the screen on Windows Mobile 5.0 devices.
Shift Press and release the SHIFT key to activate the keypad alternate SHIFT functions.
The icon appears on the taskbar on WinCE devices or the icon appears at
the bottom of the screen on Windows Mobile 5.0 devices. Press and release the
SHIFT key again to return to the normal keypad functions.
Period/Decimal Point Produces a period for alpha entries and a decimal point for numeric entries.
Star Produces an asterisk.
Enter Executes a selected item or function. The default behavior of the ENT (Enter) key
sends an extra character, which causes a Microsoft Word or Notes application to
exit. To make the applications work properly, create an XML Provisioning file with the
following entries:
Characteristic type
Para name = “SpecialEnterTabKey” value = 0
Refer to the MC909X Integrator Guide for instruction on updating the registry using
XML Provisioning.
Table 2-4
53-Key Descriptions (Continued)
Key Description