TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) A
communications protocol used to internetwork dissimilar
systems. This standard is the protocol of the Internet and
has become the global standard for communications. TCP
provides transport functions, which ensures that the total
amount of bytes sent is received correctly at the other end.
UDP is an alternate transport that does not guarantee
delivery. It is widely used for real-time voice and video
transmissions where erroneous packets are not
retransmitted. IP provides the routing mechanism. TCP/IP is
a routable protocol, which means that all messages contain
not only the address of the destination station, but the
address of a destination network. This allows TCP/IP
messages to be sent to multiple networks within an
organization or around the world, hence its use in the
worldwide Internet. Every client and server in a TCP/IP
network requires an IP address, which is either
permanently assigned or dynamically assigned at startup.
Telnet A terminal emulation protocol commonly used on the
Internet and TCP/IP-based networks. It allows a user at a
terminal or computer to log onto a remote device and run a
Terminal See Mobile Computer.
Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) A program under DOS that ends its foreground execution to
remain resident in memory to service hardware/software
interrupts, providing background operation. It remains in
memory and may provide services on behalf of other DOS
Terminal Emulation A “terminal emulation” emulates a character-based
mainframe session on a remote non-mainframe terminal,
including all display features, commands and function keys.
The MC9000 Series supports Terminal Emulations in 3270,
5250 and VT220.
TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) A version of the TCP/IP FTP
(File Transfer Protocol) protocol that has no directory or
password capability. It is the protocol used for upgrading
firmware, downloading software and remote booting of
diskless devices.
Tolerance Allowable deviation from the nominal bar or space width.
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol See TCP/IP.