1. To extend the operating distance of the camera from your TV or VCR you will need to purchase a
suitable A/V extension Cable and gender changers where necessary. It is better to use one cable of
the correct length than 3 or 4 shorter cables with adapters. Use of more adaptors can degrade the
picture quality and reduce the effective cable length. Many electronic and hardware stores can make
suitable cables and terminate them for you. Consult with your local dealer for more information.
2. The camera be placed where it looks directly into the sun or any other bright light source,
as this will not only result in a poor image, but will eventually damage the electronics of the camera.
3. Areas with a high degree of contrast in the light levels may require re-positioning of the camera in
order to obtain the best image.
4. The best viewing angle is achieved by placing the camera in a position where it is looking down on the
5. For night-time use or when situated in a dimly-lit environment the camera will
automatically activate the Infra-Red LEDs and change to a Black & White image. You will then be able
to view the area within range of the Infra-Red LEDs.
must not
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Help Desk / Support Details
Things to consider when operating the Bulldog Camera
Bulldog Cam
Professional Security Camera
High Powered Quality Color Surveillance
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