Don’t Make Sharp Turns
As mentioned before, small multipurpose
vehicles have specific design characteris-
tics that allow them to perform in a wide
variety of applications. These characteris-
tics also change the cornering behavior
relative to conventional passenger cars.
Remember, small multipurpose vehicles
have more responsive steering and a
higher center of gravity than conventional
passenger cars. If at all possible, avoid
making sharp turns in your vehicle.
Slow Down on Curves
Learn to approach curves cautiously and
at a conservative speed. Do not attempt to
take curves at the same speeds that you
would in a vehicle with a lower center of
gravity. Just as you would not drive a
sports car on a trail, you should not
attempt to drive your vehicle around curves
like a sports car.
Slow Down and Use Caution on Slip-
pery Roads
Under wet road conditions you should
drive at a lower speed than on dry roads
due to possible slippage of tires during
braking. When driving on icy, snowcovered
or muddy roads, reduce your speed and
avoid sudden acceleration, abrupt braking
or sharp steering movements. Use 4-wheel
drive high range (4H) (if equipped) for bet-
ter traction.
Avoid operating your vehicle in “4H LOCK”
or “4L LOCK” on wet pavement as much
as possible. Operating your vehicle in “4H
LOCK” or “4L LOCK” on wet pavement
may cause severe damage to the drive
Operating your vehicle in “4H” on dry and
tight corner may cause some vibration on
your vehicle. This is not caused by the
vehicle malfunction, but caused by working
of the limited slip differential gear in the
center differential.
Do not operate your vehicle in “4H
LOCK” or “4L LOCK” on dry, hard
surfaces. Operating your vehicle in
“4H LOCK” or “4L LOCK” on dry,
hard surfaces puts severe stress to
the drive train, especially during tight
cornering, and can damage it. Also,
you may have some difficulty steer-
Unevenly worn tires can cause prob-
lems in the operation of the transfer
switch. Be sure to rotate the tires
according to the maintenance sched-
ule. Refer to “Tires” and “Mainte-
nance Schedule” in the
section for proper tire rotation proce-
On-Pavement Driving: NO
Off-Road Driving: NO