How to stop the alarm
Should the alarm be triggered accidentally,
change the ignition mode to “ON” by press-
ing the engine switch. The alarm will then
• Even after the alarm has stopped, if you
lock the doors using the keyless start
system remote controller or by pushing
the request switch, the theft deterrent
alarm system will be rearmed with a
delay of about 20 seconds.
• If you disconnect the battery while the
theft deterrent alarm system is in the
armed condition or the alarm is actually
in operation, the alarm will be triggered
or re-triggered when the battery is then
reconnected, although, in the latter case,
the alarm remains stopped for the period
between disconnection and reconnec-
tion of the battery.
• Even after the alarm has stopped at the
end of the predetermined operation time,
it will be triggered again if any door is
opened without disarming the theft
deterrent alarm system.
Checking whether the alarm has been
triggered during parking
If the alarm was triggered due to an unau-
thorized entry into the vehicle and you then
change the ignition mode to “ON” by press-
ing the engine switch, the theft deterrent
light will flash rapidly for about 8 seconds
and a buzzer will beep 4 times during this
period. If this happens, check whether your
vehicle has been broken into while you
were away from it.
Enabling and disabling the theft deter-
rent alarm system
The theft deterrent alarm system can be
either “enabled” or “disabled”.
When enabled (factory setting)
When the system is enabled, it causes the
hazard warning lights to flash for about 40
seconds if any of the alarm trigger condi-
tions is met. The system also causes the
interior buzzer to beep intermittently for
about 10 seconds, which is followed by
intermittent sounding of the horn for about
30 seconds.
*The theft deterrent light continues to flash
during this time.
When disabled
When the system is disabled, it stays dis-
armed even if you perform any system
arming operation.
How to switch the state of the theft
deterrent alarm system
You can switch the theft deterrent alarm
system from the enabled state to the dis-
abled state, and vice versa, using the fol-
lowing method.
(3) LOCK
4 times
Seat Belts and Child Restraint Systems: 3