Hands-Free/Set up
*1 When “List phones” is pronounced, telephone names are read in sequence. When the corresponding telephone is read, press the
Talk button.
1st word 2nd word 3rd word Function
“Set up” “Phone setup”
“Pair phone”
Telephone connection
1) Pronounce “(phone name)” and “Confirm” to confirm the operation.
2) Pronounce “Phone only” or “Internal audio” and subsequently “Confirm”
to confirm the operation.
“Select phone”
Telephone selection
Pronounce “(phone name)”
and “Confirm” to confirm the operation.
“Change name”
Change of telephone name
1) Pronounce “(phone name)”
and “Confirm” to confirm the operation.
2) Pronounce “(new phone name)” and “Confirm” to confirm the operation.
“List phone”
Reading of telephone names in sequence
Pressing the Talk button during reading allows users to select the tele-
phone that is read at the moment, and subsequently pronouncing “Select
phone”, “Change name”, or “Delete phone” allows users to implement each
corresponding operation.
“Set passkey”
Passkey setting
Pronounce “(4- to 8-digit number)” and “Confirm” to confirm the operation.
“Delete phone”
Telephone deletion
Pronounce “(phone name)”
and “Confirm” to confirm the operation.
“Handsfree power”
HF On/Off
Pronounce “Turn on” to enable HF and “Turn off” to disable HF.