4-8 Sun Fire B1600 Blade System Chassis Switch Administration Guide • June 2003
mark ? at the prompt to display a list of the commands available for the current
mode. The command classes and associated modes are displayed in the following
table: Exec Commands
When you open a new console session on the switch with the user name and
password guest, the system enters the Normal Exec command mode (or guest
mode), displaying the Console> command prompt. Only a limited number of the
commands are available in this mode. You can access all commands only from the
Privileged Exec command mode (or administrator mode). To access Privilege Exec
mode, open a new console session with the user name and password admin. The
system now displays the Console# command prompt. You can also enter Privileged
Exec mode from within Normal Exec mode, by typing the enable command,
followed by the privileged level password super.
To enter Privileged Exec mode, type the following user names and passwords:
TABLE 4-1 Command Modes
Class Mode
Exec Normal
* You must be in Privileged Exec mode to access any of the configuration modes.
VLAN Database
Username: admin
Password: admin login password
CLI session with the Sun Fire B1600 is opened.
To end the CLI session, enter [Exit].