Using the control panel (continued)
The steam function allows the coffee maker
to produce steam out of the steam wand for
texturing milk.
To activate the steam function, the coffee
maker simply needs to press the ‘STEAM’
button. By design the temperature of the
espresso machine will adjust as necessary.
There may be a short delay while you wait.
Note: When the coffee maker has activated
the steam function the light behind the
‘STEAM’ button will show a constant green
light and the light behind the ‘COFFEE’ and
‘HOT WATER’ buttons will go off. Additionally
the light behind the ‘POWER’ button will
remain on.
Note: If the light behind the ‘STEAM’ button
is flashing it means the espresso machine
is adjusting the temperature of the heating
system. You will be able to use the steam
while it is heating up but this is not advised
as the steam will be wetter than if the
machine is fully heated up.
Once the espresso machine is heated to the
correct temperature, so the light behind the
‘STEAM’ button stops flashing and shows a
constant green light, the coffee maker is able
to use the espresso machine.
The coffee maker simply needs to turn
the steam and hot water control dial anti-
clockwise to the ‘MAX’ setting to start and
turn it back to the ‘OFF’ position to stop.
Press the 'STEAM' button again to deactivate
the steam function.
Note: When you have finished steaming,
ensure the steam control dial is fully turned
off. If the steam control dial is left open, the
coffee maker will not be able to switch to the
‘COFFEE’ or ‘HOT WATER’ functions.
Note: After 10 minutes of inactivity in the
steam mode, the espresso machine will
automatically switch back to the ready mode.