
68 Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 System Controller Command Reference Manual October 2001
To set just the time zone for Japan Standard Time using offsets from Greenwich
Mean Time—GMT (
TABLE 3-7) and not the date and time, type:
To set just the time zone for European Central Time using the time zone
abbreviations (
TABLE 3-7) and not the date and time, type:
CODE EXAMPLE 3-40 setdate -t Command Example Setting the Time Zone to Japan
Standard Time Using the Offset From Greenwich Mean Time
schostname:SC> setdate -t GMT+9
Thu Apr 20 18:15:10 GMP+9 2001
CODE EXAMPLE 3-41 setdate -t Command Example Setting the Time Zone to Eastern
Central Time Using Time Zone Abbreviations
schostname:SC> setdate -t ECT
Thu Apr 20 18:15:10 ECT 2001