
Video Player Help
This appendix is designed to help you if you are having difficulty playing the online
video demonstrations of the Sun server disassembly or reassembly from your
browser. To view the videos you need access to the AnswerBook2 software running
on a server in the network, and you need to configure your web browser to play
MPEG videos.
To play an online video in an AnswerBook2 document, just click on the video icon
(illustrated below) wherever it occurs in the document.
If the video does not start playing, then consult the following topics in this appendix:
Section E.1 “Do You Have a Problem Playing Video?” on page 290
Section E.2 “Requirements for Playing Video” on page 291
Section E.3 “Obtaining and Accessing the ShowMe TV Player on Solaris Systems”
on page 292
Section E.4 “Configuring Web Browsers to View AnswerBook2 Video” on page 295
Section E.5 “Improving Online Video Performance” on page 298