
At this point all processes related to Application Server are stopped.
2. Uninstall the Application Server.
In a Solaris or Linux Java Enterprise System installation, run
var/sadm/prod/entsys/uninstall and follow the steps in the uninstallation
In a Windows Java Enterprise System installation, use the Control Panels
Add/Remove Programs item. Choose Sun Java Enterprise Systems and click
In a Solaris or Linux stand-alone Application Server installation, run
install-dir/uninstall and follow the steps in the uninstallation wizard.
In a Windows stand-alone installation, from the Start menu, choose Programs
Sun Microsystems Application Server EE Uninstall.
3. If you installed Web Server for this exercise, stop the web server instance acting
as load balancer and uninstall the Web Server product. You can stop the instance
by executing the stop program in the following directory:
4. If you want to unsinstall the Web Server product, run the uninstall program
from the web_server_install_dir.
To Remove the Sample Cluster Only
To remove only the FirstCluster (the sample highly available cluster) and the sample
application used during this exercise, but retain the installed Application Server and
Web Server, use the following procedure.
1. Stop the Application Server processes and clean up conguration:
asadmin stop-cluster FirstCluster
asadmin disable-http-lb-server FirstCluster
asadmin delete-http-lb-ref --config MyLbConfig FirstCluster
asadmin delete-http-lb-config MyLbConfig
asadmin delete-instance i1
asadmin delete-instance i2
asadmin delete-cluster FirstCluster
asadmin undeploy clusterjsp
2. Stop the web server instance acting as load balancer by running the stop
program in the following directory:
3. Rename the loadbalancer.xml le in web_server_install_dir/https-hostname
/config to loadbalancer.xml.sav
Chapter 1 Quick Start 23